The Tantra Series Journey

Honoring the origin and esoteric practices of Tantrism
The egoless act of cocreation

Journey 1 - The Art

Weaving the past, present and future through tantric art-co-creation,
we set out to source the very best crystals for sacred ceremonies.

The Journey led us to Jaipur, India.

There, a friend of a friend who worked in tourism knew where the gems for royals could be found.

We handpicked and concocted a mysterious medley of crystals.

The star components are selenite for higher consciousness and cleansing,
rose quartz for heart opening, and the mysterious medley for soul gazing. 


Next, the crystals and the local Priest set out to Varanasi, the spiritual capital of India and home of tantrism for its very first infusion at sunrise from the other artist of the story, The Cosmos of December 11, 2020 - a day for new beginnings in accordance with the Hindu calendar. 

Back home in NY, the crystals were then transformed into live sparkles, intertwined with watercolor pigment,
and found their way, adorning our walls through sacred symbols and words, raising the frequency of our space. 

A foundation was forming...

Journey 2 - The Jewelry

We set out to source the very best crystals to elevate our ceremonial experiences,
connecting the art on our walls to the jewelry on our bodies.
The Universe led the journey right back to Jaipur.
We followed our same system, with our same friends, this time adding agates & clear quartz to our mysterious medley. 

Next, we headed to the waters of the Ganga river, infusing our crystals with the other artist, the sunrise energy of November 11, 2021.
A sacred Hindu calendar day for Sun therapy. 

Back home in NY, the crystals intertwined with other jewels, and harmonized with our sacred art.
An energy grid began to form between the art, the jewelry, ourselves, and the cosmos and cultures of past, present and future…

Raising our frequency through sacred geometry.


Journey 3 - Egypt is Calling


Women in prayer approaching the Sphinx of Giza in the pre-sunrise glow